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Mobile Booking


Medium (2-4 mo.)

My Role

Lead UX Designer


Responsive mobile-first approach



Sketch, Abstract

Project Summary

This project was a segment of the larger Mobile Load Overview project. Check out larger project to view user and persona insights, research, iterations, and landing page designs. This portion provides our Reps with the ability to book an available load right from their mobile device.



To build an easy way for Reps to quickly book a load and input relevant details and information.  

Mobile Booking Process

We divided the booking process into 4 steps to make it simple to complete important information in each step and easy to tell where in the process you are at any given point. This ensured that necessary information was not missed and the booking experience was as smooth as possible. 

Why Dark Mode?

I chose to design the booking process in dark mode even though the regular load overview experience was in light mode. The reason for this was to make the booking process command greater attention from the user due to the critical information needed in the process. The idea was that the user would feel the difference from just looking at load information to actually securing, selling, and locking the load (preventing the load from being booked by anyone else). ​

Attentions and Error States

Before starting the booking process, we wanted to surface any attentions or errors that may be relevant to the load that our Reps would need to be aware of, as well as any actions they may be able to take. 

Initial "Attentions" Callouts


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Loading UI

Cancel Confirmation

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Step 1 - Select a Carrier

The user searches for a carrier and inputs carrier details. In some cases this is auto-filled (like if they are coming from a carrier or offers screen). 

Select Carrier

Smart Search

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Carrier is Compliant

Carrier is not Compliant

Input Error

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Step 2 - Truck Information

In step 2, the user inputs any relevant information about the truck, empty city, empty date/time, and type of equipment, as well as optional information about the drivers.

Main Truck Information (Req)

Smart Search

Date/Time Picker

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Additional and Optional Info

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Step 3 - Carrier Charges

In step 3, the Rep will put in any charges they have previously agreed to with the carrier as well as any per mile charges such as fuel. They can add as many charges as they need as well as edit mistakes.

No Charges Yet

Create New Charge

Input Examples

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Charges List

Available Actions on List Items

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Edit Charge

Delete Charge

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Step 4 - Comments and Rate Con

In step 4, the Rep will add any internal comments they wish as well as choose where to send the rate confirmation. Then they will move on to the preview and complete the booking. 

Comments and Rate Con

Rate Con Options

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Preview and Book

When the Rep is satisfied with the information in the preview, they will book the load, see one of several randomized validation screens while they wait, and get their booking confirmation!

Booking Preview

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Randomized Validation States

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Booking Confirmation

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