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Mobile Offers


Small (4-6 Weeks)

My Role

Lead UX Designer


Responsive mobile-first approach



Sketch, Abstract

Project Summary

This project was a segment of the larger Mobile Load Overview project. Check out larger project to view user and persona insights, research, iterations, and landing page designs. This portion provides our Reps with the ability to view and take actions on offers they receive on loads from our carriers (through our Carrier Portal) or from internal Carrier reps. 



To build an easy way for Reps to quickly make and revise offers, create counteroffers, message relevant individuals regarding specific offers, and view all offer details including carrier and truck information.

Role-Based Actions

Each offer's experience was designed to be customized based on the type of Rep interacting with it. Business Development (BD) Reps, who deal mainly with customers, have different actions that need to be taken on offers at various points in the process than Carrier Reps (who deal with the carriers and truck drivers). 

Offers Tab

Make an Offer (Blank)

Make an Offer (Filled)

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Make a Counteroffer

Cancel Offer

Decline Offer

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Offer Details (for BD Rep)

Offer Details (for Carrier Rep)

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Money Tab

Truck and Carrier Details Tab

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Various Offer Statuses and Their Available Actions

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